Milk is one of the most complete and most widely consumed foods in the world.
Above all, it is one of the few foods that have evolved over time: in fact, milk has gone from being infant food to becoming a processing raw material for dairies.
It is the first food we take in as soon as we are born and is what gives us immediate energy and makes us grow healthy and strong.
This primary purpose of it, which we must not forget, creates great variables with respect to the rest of the raw materials, variables that often bring surprises in dairy productions.

There is almost no other raw material in the world with which man is able to produce so many different products: cream, butter, yogurt, mozzarella, Parmesan, blue cheese, spicy, and I could go on and on.
Milk is the whole product of a complete and uninterrupted milking of a healthy and well-fed dairy female obtained by hand or mechanical milking.
It is a physiological fluid that results from the secretion of the mammary glands.

When we talk about milk generically, we always refer to cow’s milk but when we talk about the others, we must always specify the species of the animal from which it is secreted: sheep’s milk, goat’s milk, buffalo milk, etc.
The same applies to its derivatives: sheep’s milk cheese, goat’s milk cheese, buffalo cheese, etc.

Milk is a very complex white-colored liquid with a characteristic sweetish odor and a pH around 6.60.
Its characteristics change according to the species and breed from which it is produced.
We, for example, use 3 different types of milk: cow, sheep and goat, also called cow, sheep and goat milk.
Cow’s milk is the best known of the 3 and also the most popular because of its fragrance and sweetness.
Sheep’s milk has the highest content of calcium, iron, iodine and B vitamins.
Goat’s milk presents has the highest content of vitamins A, D and linoleic acid.
There is no telling which one is the best. Each of us must decide according to our own tastes and needs.
We can state that an optimal intake of all nutrients can be achieved by consuming all 3 types of milk in a balanced manner.