If you want to make your first cheese, guided by our expert cheesemakers, and learn some of the
our secret recipes that you can redo at home as many times as you like, these 3 paths are for you!
Ps. at the end of each route a wonderful tasting awaits you that will catapult you into the
magical world of 100% Umbrian cheeses!
Come in and find out what experiences we have created for you!
If you want to experience a special day, enter our Dairy, have the opportunity to
discover how cheeses are made, visit the Montecristo Academy and taste our
more special cheeses, GET ON BOARD!
Click and find out everything we have reserved for curious travelers like you!
A special trip for adults and children, families and young explorers!
This path will take you into the magical world of the Witch that inspired our latest
creation: the LOVE FILTER cheese!
What's next for you?
Let's open and taste the Love Filter, reciting the magical spell together!